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Hochschuldidaktische Weiterbildung für alle Lehrenden der Universität Bayreuth

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Critical Thinking – Einführung in die Didaktik der Denkschulung mit Schwerpunkt digitale Medien, ChatGPT und Co. [DiL]​

12.12.2024, 09:00 - 13:00 Uhr
Hybrid: Center for Teaching a Learning at the University of Bayreuth (Nürnbergerstr. 38, 95448 Bayreuth) or by means of ZOOM

In view of economic, ecological, social and technical challenges, critical thinking (CT) is increasingly becoming a central competence for the 21st century in order to enable learners to successfully shape the future. But what does it mean to think critically in general and in different disciplines? How do different theoretical concepts such as logic, epistemology, ethics or cognitive biases relate to critical thinking? And how should the effective promotion of critical thinking in teaching be designed? 

The seminar will focus on theoretical concepts, empirical studies and a didactic process model for the design of thinking training. The use of digital media and generative AI like ChatGPT to foster critical thinking, will also be addressed. 

The aim of the seminar is to sharpen the theoretical understanding of critical thinking and to provide practical impulses and methods for the planning of teaching units in which critical thinking is to be fostered effectively. We will elaborate essential aspects of critical thinking as a concept and experience and discuss effective support strategies and the necessary framework conditions. Step by step, we will develop design principles for teaching and highlight specific methods that make for successful critical thinking training. Participants will also have the opportunity to demonstrate and discuss their own teaching approaches for CT. 


  • Thinking-Styles of CT
  • 4 Levels of critical thinking
  • Meta-study on the promotion of critical thinking
  • Process model for planning critical thinking training 
  • Concrete implementation methods and scenarios(digital media and AI focus)  

Participants can …  

  • describe critical thinking in an elaborated way
  • formulate own learning objectives that relate to critical thinking
  • explain effective didactic approaches and methods to foster critical thinking 
  • describe a phase model for structuring thinking training 


Link to the registration 

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Susanne Henke

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