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Using Discussions as a Way of Teaching - Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Stephen Brookfield am 27. Juli


Prof. Dr. Stephen Brookfield, Professor der Erwachsenenbildung, wird zeigen, wie Diskussionen wirksam, fair und inklusiv in der Lehre gestaltet werden können, um kritisches Denken zu fördern und effektiv Lernprozesse zu aktivieren. 

Die Veranstaltungsbeschreibung lautet wie folgt:

Discussions are often viewed as a matter of mystery and magic - a chemistry that combusts, or a fire that ignites, as people come together to consider matters of mutual concern. In point of fact, well prepared and conducted discussions can be a very powerful medium for fostering critcial thinking, exploring new ideas and perspectives, activating knowledge or creating an inclusive and appreciative atmosphere for study. But discussions can also be counterfeit, manipulative, governed by a regime of truth enforced by judges of normality (Foucault). In this presentation Stephen Brookfield will explore how to set up effective discussions that enhance learning and try to implement greater equity and inclusion. Participants will have the chance to try out some of these activities.

Stephen Brookfield  is a scholar in adult education who has held positions at the University of British Columbia, Columbia University, Harvard University and the University of Saint Thomas. He is currently Distinguished Scholar at Antioch University, Adjunct Professor at Columbia University, and Emeritus Professor at the University of St. Thomas. Since beginning his educational career in 1970, Stephen has worked in England, Canada, and the United States, teaching and consulting in a variety of adult, community, organizational and higher education settings. He also has written, co-written or edited twenty books on adult learningteachingcritical thinkingdiscussion methodscritical theoryleadership and teaching race, six of which have won the Cyril O. Houle World Award for Literature in Adult Education. He also leads a pop punk, rock & roll band - The 99ers - who are currently recording their 7th album.

Der Onlinevortrag findet via Zoom in englischer Sprache statt und er ist kostenlos. Für das Zertifikat Hochschullehre werden 2 AE im Bereich A angerechnet. Mehr Informationen und die Möglichkeit zur Anmeldung finden Sie hier.

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