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Center for University Teaching - Zentrum für Hochschullehre (ZHL)

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Contact persons for digitally based teaching

We are a group of experts who combine several different perspectives on digital resources. For basic questions and first steps, feel free to initially contact our ZHL members. We will consult you regarding your questions and eventually refer you to suited experts. 

  • Didactic planning and composition of lectures regarding digital technologies
    Dr. Anja Hager (ZHL)
    Email: anja.hager@uni-bayreuth.de
    Phone: 0921 / 55-4649

  • Didactic planning and composition of lectures regarding digital methods and platforms, designing and producing videos, booking of the ZHL (at the office centre Bayreuth Süd 4.2.08)
    Paul Dölle (ZHL)
    Email: paul.doelle@uni-bayreuth.de
    Phone: 0921 / 55-4650

  • Conception of lectures as a part of digitization and education for sustainable development
    Christoph Koch (ZHL)
    Email: christoph.koch@uni-bayreuth.de
    Phone: 0921 / 55-4723

  • Lending digital equipment, questions on the multimedia facilities in seminar rooms and lecture halls
    Multimedia Team (IT-Servicecentre)
    Email: multimedia-team@uni-bayreuth.de
    Phone: 0921 / 55-2002
    (Service number during the lecture period: Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.)

  • Recording teaching sequences and producing teaching videos (with Panopto)
    Dominik Schramm (IT-Service Centre)
    Email: dominik.schramm@uni-bayreuth.de
    Phone: 0921 / 55-3179

  • Technical administration of the e-learning platform Moodle
    Nikolai Jahreis (IT-Service Centre)
    Email: elearning@uni-bayreuth.de
    Phone: 0921 / 55-3535

  • Multimedia- and video conference room on the campus (in NW II, including a video conference system, tilt- and zoomable camera, two 42-inch plasma monitors
    Andreas Brütting (IT-Service Centre)
    Email: andreas.bruetting@uni-bayreuth.de (for booking rooms)
    Phone: 0921 / 55-3005

  • Borrowing media at the ITS for video and audio recording, as well as portable video conference systems for hybrid teaching
    Borrowing media at the ITS (in urgent cases via ITS-Hotline 55-3003)
    Email: mm-ausleihe@uni-bayreuth.de
    Phone: 0921 / 55-2002, Abholzeiten Mo–Fr 08:00-14:30 Uhr)

Webmaster: Christoph Koch

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