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Center for University Teaching - Zentrum für Hochschullehre (ZHL)

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Certificate programme "Teaching with international students" 

The Interculturality Network has been working on an interculturality training program for members of the University of Bayreuth since 2018. A supplementary study program for students was launched in 2020. In 2022, we will publish a new, relevant advanced training program that builds on existing offers from various UBT institutions. Teachers, researchers and administrative support staff can now each complete their own certificate program. In doing so, they work on intercultural competences that they can apply during their working day.  

Internationalisation at the University of Bayreuth has continuously increased and also forms a political objective. International students are greatly appreciated and always welcome to attend the lectures at UBT.

Aside from possible language problems, intercultural settings may lead to misunderstandings on how to deal with learning processes. Teaching-learning cultures can be very different in an international context. With the certificate "Teaching with international students", we would like to support all UBT teachers in taking an analytical look at teaching and learning situations with international students, and optimise said situations for all involved.

The certificate program for teachers is based at the Center for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education of the University of Bayreuth. Experienced intercultural trainers will be at your disposal throughout the process, and the certificate will prove your intercultural skills. The certificate program is divided into several modules. Teachers attend all courses to complete the certificate.

The certificate program is divided into several modules. Teachers attend all courses to complete the certificate.

Introductionary Course:

Advances course:

Transfer to own course:

  • Implementation of the impulses from the seminars in a teaching project accompanied by interculturality experts, including conception, implementation, evaluation, reflection report (15 WU)
  • Hospitation of interculturality experts in own course including observation report (8 units)

Optional, to reach 50 work units (WU):

  • Seminars on enhancing language skills at the Language Centre (please contact Mr Robert Wolf)
  • Seminars at the Writing Centre of the University of Bayreuth with an international focus (contact Ms Kathrin Stöver).

Please register in this course if you wish to attend this certificate program.

Your contact for enquiries is Dr. Frank Meyer.

Webmaster: Paul Dölle

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