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Center for University Teaching - Zentrum für Hochschullehre (ZHL)

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Consultation and Coaching

Do you have questions on higher education didactic concepts? Do you want to change something about your lecture, but don’t know how? Then feel free to contact us! We also offer support for creating teaching portfolios.

Our consulting offers include the following topics, among others:

  • Integration of AI in teaching
  • Teaching conception, innovative teaching methods
  • Presentation and communication, PowerPoint, Visualisation
  • Creation of interactive classroom engagements and interactive learning media
  • Examination, Examination rights
  • Evaluation and self-reflection
  • Consulting students
  • Any many other questions or topics of your choice

Every meeting with us is free of charge!

Depending on your personal needs, we can organise topically experienced experts, who can conduct coachings. If your consultation time exceeds a certain point, it is possible for you to gain work units (WU) for a higher education didactic certificate.

In order to certify your own teaching competence, in many cases a teaching portfolio is needed , especially when it comes to job applications within an academic field. The teaching portfolio is not only a great tool to present yourself, it is also a valuable tool for self-evaluation. On request, we can consult you on the structure of your newly created portfolio, or provide input on an already existing portfolio.

If you would like to make use of our consulting and coaching offers, you can contact us at zhl@uni-bayreuth.de. We look forward to working on your teaching with you! 

Webmaster: Paul Dölle

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